An invitation to shape your intuition through the simple act of creating a conscious connection with Goddesses, Gods, deities, archetypes, realms of various pantheons, lands of myth, lore, legend, and history while learning how to “power up” your main psychic Clairs, also known as your intuitive senses. We’ll pair this with the transformative vibrations of Janelle’s singing bowl and gong orchestration for deep relaxation, nervous system rest and reset.
An opportunity to practice your mediumship or discover more about it through this exploratory experience in a specific prepared environment. I will set up a safe container and gently welcome the deities, or representatives from a pantheon, we will connect with them and then let your body do its own healing work during the music production.
We will craft the theme of our journey before we begin the sound bath, through conscious mediumship, then you’ll have one hour to relax, unwind, let go, and journey to see where this work may take you. What you see, feel, sense, perceive, and hear may be unique to you and sometimes, the group mind will receive similar messages in matching pictures. Some of this work can be used as a comparative experiment to practice in a space with other mediums.
All levels welcome. Some experience in shamanic journey work or meditation is helpful. But a good imagination is our greatest guide in this work.
– Gain more clarity
– Become more grounded, deeply relaxed or energized
– Increase vitality
– Feel more empowered
– Increase self-awareness
– Practice connecting to your intuitive gifts
– Receive a healing experience, individual messages or guidance
– Discover your relationship with various mythos and worlds
– Receive a deeper connection to landscapes, spirit guides, healing allies and helping spirits
Sound Bath
The Mystical:
A Sound Bath is a ceremonial concert designed to provide an environment where energy that is no longer needed can be released, shifting the mind, body and spirit into a deeply relaxed state of being. We invite compassionate Allies, Guides, Ancestors and Healing Spirits to arrive and work with us in sacred space.
The Science:
Guests are bathed in powerful vibrations and binaural beats that help entrain their brain waves into Theta. In this deeply relaxed state dynamic healing can take place, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, cellular regeneration, stress release, emotional, mental, and physical healing.
Investment in You: $75 walk ins/ $65 pre registration (sign up by 6/29 6:00pm/ 15% off studio members (those who are on auto pay and 1 year prepaid plan)
Janelle Leonard is a Sound Healer, trained Opera Singer & Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Norse Pagan, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®, and CranioSacral Practitioner. She has over 22 years of experience in her field of study and professional interests and is based out of Seattle.

Janelle Leonard
Janelle Leonard is a Sound Healer, trained Opera Singer & Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Norse Pagan, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®, and CranioSacral Practitioner. She has over 22 years of experience in her field of study and professional interests and is based out of Seattle.