Wheel of the Year Series
Beginning on Samhain, Hallow’s Eve, the time when the veils are thinnest and the ancestors come forward, we honor the turning of the Wheel of the Year. This gathering is the first of 8 Sabbats, celebrations of the changing of the seasons. As we harmonize to the shifting of the season we become more attuned to the cycles of the natural world and ourselves. On Hallow’s Eve the veils are lifted which is a powerful time to burn off all of that which no longer serves us and invite in wisdom, insights, and messages from beyond the veil for the purpose of transformation.
We invite you to gather, to learn and to celebrate the dark half of the year by peering into our shadow wisdom. We learn not to fear that which is hidden within us, through sound, significance and breath.
Holotropic breathwork and sound bath both put us into theta brainwave which makes us more open to downloads, insights, awarenesses and intuition, allowing us to peer more deeply through the veil into the unknown, cultivating the wisest unsaid words.
Katerina Lamola is a licensed mental health therapist, hypnotherapist, breathwork facilitator, climate grief guide, and integration coach with over 25 years of experience in trauma and addiction.
Janelle Leonard is a Sound Healer, trained Opera Singer & Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®, and CranioSacral Practitioner. She has over 20 years of experience in her field of study and professional interests.
3 hours total, including opening circle, Sabbat teachings, meditation/ritual, breathwork/sound bath, closing circle.
Comfortable clothing suggested. Bring water bottle, journal, yoga mat, blanket, pillow or bolster, eye covering, altar contribution.
We will be using nature-based formulations during the event by the powerful and exquisite Moon Goddess Magick Apothecary.
Space is limited to 15 participants. Register in advance to hold your spot.