Sound Bath Meets Guided Tarot Cards Visualization w/ Janelle Leonard & Nadja Haldimann

May 19, 3:00-4:15pm


Class Type: Live at Studio

Guided Lovers Tarot Card Visualization + Full Sound Bath Orchestra

Register for Event

Registration deadline: 02/04/2024 at 2:30 pm

Join your hosts, Janelle Leonard and Nadja Haldimann, as they guide you through a transformative sound healing and visualization experience into the world of the Tarot. The Lovers card invites you to rediscover the meaning of love and reflect on the people you choose in life.

Bring along your yoga mat, a snuggly blanket, and an eye mask to nestle into a relaxed state and allow your spirit to travel into the realms of deep insight and magic.

The guided visualization sets the scene, allowing your mind to release its grip on the mundane, plunging you into the deeper realms of your consciousness where magic unfolds. As you settle in, close your eyes and let the soothing blend of spoken words and sound transport you into a Universe where metamorphosis reigns supreme.
Throughout the experience, moments of introspection will provide space to contemplate the choices you make in love and relationships with yourself and others. The space will be alive with the resonating, healing frequencies of crystal quartz singing bowls and vocals.

You’ll emerge with a unique understanding of the Tarot’s Lovers card and with a rejuvenated spirit, ready to make more intentional choices as you connect with people in your life.

Celebrate love, connections, and relax into a unique Tarot journey.

The event is priced at $55, with a 10% discount for DATZA STUDIOS members.

Pre registration is highly suggested.


Guided Visualization – Nadja Haldimann

Sound Bath – Janelle Leonard

Nadja Haldimann is a Transformational Coach and an architect of futures. At the intersection of Career, Health, and Mindfulness, she charts a course informed by over two decades of leading-edge User Experience Design. Nadja’s shift from designing software to designing lives feels as natural as it is transformative. Tapping into the profound, psychosocial narrative of the Tarot, she works with its archetypes as game-changers in the journey of self-discovery. With a clear vision, she’s spearheading a movement to usher individuals into an era of true freedom, health, and life balance.

Janelle Leonard is a Sound Healer, trained Opera Singer & Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Norse Pagan, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, Quantum Healer, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®, and CranioSacral Practitioner. She has over 22 years of experience in her field of study and professional interests and is based out of Seattle.


Janelle Leonard & Nadja Haldimann