Join us for this unique and unifying experience … Winter Wellness Sound Bath: Tea ceremony w/ Ilona + Gentle Warming Winter Flow w/ Datza + Sound Bath w/ Janelle
We will start the session w/ Ilona leading a tea ceremony using a blend of herbs specially crafted for winter season followed by Datza who will guide you through gentle warming winter flow working with Water Element and the associated meridian lines and organs of kidney and bladder. Janelle will accompany with waves of soothing, echoing sound from the Gong during the flow and transition into full sound bath orchestra.
In Chinese Medicine theory, the water element belongs to the winter season and its related meridian system pair is the kidney and bladder . Together, these organs are responsible for the smooth flow of qi and blood in the body and regulates emotions. The kidneys are considered to be the spark of life and the foundation of vitality. The Kidney’s support strong sexual function, maintain healthy bones and marrow, and allow for strong memory and concentration. Emotionally, it supplies us with strong willpower, determination, and motivation. Winter is the time of the year to deal with kidney and bladder imbalances including lower back pain, knee pain, stress, fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, and hormonal imbalances.
Shift the energy, change your reality.
The Mystical:
A Sound Bath is a ceremonial concert designed to provide an environment where energy that is no longer needed can be released, shifting the mind, body and spirit into a deeply relaxed state of being. We invite compassionate Allies, Guides, Ancestors and Healing Spirits to arrive and work with us in sacred space.
The Science:
Guests are bathed in powerful vibrations and binaural beats that help entrain their brain waves into Theta. In this deeply relaxed state dynamic healing can take place, activating the parasympathetic nervous system, cellular regeneration, stress release, emotional, mental, and physical healing.
What to Expect:
After the cleaning flow, participants lay in a comfortable position on the floor (savasana), while Janelle plays the crystal and Tibetan bowls, the blessing rattle, and Paiste gong, accompanied by shamanic vocal toning. Many people have reported noticeable physical changes and often experience reduced pain, deeper sleep and meditation, increased memory, focus, concentration and enhanced cohesiveness afterward.
Please have anything that you may need to feel comfortable lying down in silence for one hour. Blankets, pillows, bolsters, yoga mats, etc. Wear comfortable clothing and please be hydrated. Evening Chill tea for better night sleep will be served at the end of the session.
$48 Early Bird Pricing (register by 1/3/2023)
$55 Regular admission
Space is limited, click here to register.
In studio participants arrive 10 min before the session. Bring your own mat, blankets and pillows. Sanitize/ wash your hands upon entry. Masks optional. Molekule filter will be on during the session.
Janelle is a Sound Healer, trained Opera singer and Violist, Völva, Norse Shamanism Seiðr Practitioner, Tibetan Buddhist, Reiki Master, SOMA Neuromuscular Integration® and CranioSacral bodywork practitioner in Seattle, Washington.