We started Self-Love, Self-Care challenge early December, 2020 focusing on strengthening our core. Our next challenge will focus on our back-body gems, the glutes!
We will begin our journey on the new moon of January 2021, to set our intention for our wellness and our year ahead! This time focusing on showing up, being present, and ready for any and all challenges! The truth is, in order to succeed we first must show up… so, let’s do this!
Every day for one week we will tone and sculpt our booty for 21 minutes. Each class will be finished with a few hip openers & a short guided meditation. You will also get a chance to take two 30 minute hip release sessions designed specifically for this challenge.
Strong glutes stabilize your pelvis, strengthen your spine and also work your core! By balancing out our front and back, abs and glutes, with upbeat conditioning we are able to truly get align.
The fact is, if your glutes are strong then your pelvis is more stable. And our pelvis holds up our entire body, it is the true center point… literally our foundation. Our core then also stabilizes our pelvis. So, for whole-body wellness, you gotta work… the whole-body!

Moving from Riga, Latvia to Seattle wasn’t just a cultural change for Datza, it was the beginning of a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Coming from a background in both dance and fitness, Datza found herself immediately captivated by and drawn towards the practice of yoga. Making choices for one’s own body that came not from the head but from the heart was something she found to be deeply profound and intensely satisfying, and so fifteen years ago she began her journey as a yoga practitioner.