YOGA PLAY w/ Yoga Nidra: Thanksgiving edition, November 28, 10:30-11:45am

If you are grateful for your own health and happiness, then it’s a good idea to join us for Yoga Play with Yoga Nidra on Thanksgiving day!

Datza will guide you through 45min creative “Thanksgiving dinner ready” Vinyasa flow, Cheryl will complete the session with 30 min Yoga Nidra.

Find yourself experiencing a sense of renewal like no other.

What is Yoga Play?

We flow closely synchronized to some movements in the music videos, a unique and playful Vinyasa flow. Have a favorite artist and video, let the front desk now it by November 20 and we might just add your choice to the playlist.

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra also know as yogic sleep is an ancient meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Some people drift in and out of sleep and wake states.


Reserve your spot:

Drop in: $25 / Members: Complimentary/ Class pack holders: 1 class