21-days Challenge, focusing on the upper body!
“Get your summer arms in the middle of winter”
We have worked our core, we have worked our booty, we have practiced breath meditation, and have challenged ourselves to show up on the mat! Let’s bring everything we’ve cultivated for our next challenge starting the second Monday in February! To bring balance to our bodies, from root to crown, we will work our upper bod!
A flower blooms with strong roots and nourishment. So, we will make sure to continue working our core & booty, and to begin practice “getting grounded.” Then we will expand our limbs and awareness, through whole body movement!
We tend to hold tension in our upper body – shoulders, back, neck. By working through this non-sense, we can find release. Let’s build lean muscle, strength & stability in our upper body in the middle of the winter and take-care of our healthy, happy bodies!
To enhance your practice, we have opportunities to explore spiritual elements. Every week (Feb 8, 14, 21), Sarah Wolf with Shakti Revolution will offer introduction course to Goddess Circle’s for students to connect to their upper chakra’s – Heart, Throat, and 3rd Eye. Dance with your femininity or feminine side (for the guy’s) and center your being.
Another option is to take Richard’s Monday night Meditation. You get to choose, maybe skip Sunday and simply do something nice for yourself. And the next day, show up for a grounding meditation.
Tune into your body, listen, and give it exactly what it needs. In this upper body, upper chakras 21-day journey we will focus on connecting with our bodies’ wisdom. Uplift your energy, nourish your body, dissolve your stress. Bloom!
Monday-Saturday livestream & restream sessions w/ Datza, 3 Intro to Goddess circles livestream & restream w/ Sarah and 3 Meditation for All livestream & restream sessions w/ Richard.
Datza will be meeting up with you on the mat every day during the challenge, except Sundays (Week 1: 15 min, Week: 2 – 20 min, Week 3: 25 min). Sarah will be hosting “Introduction to Goddess Circle” Monday, February 7, 6:00-6:30pm and Sunday, February 14 & 21, 6:00-6:30pm. Richard will be hosting “Meditation for All” every Monday 7:00-7:30pm.
Registration deadline: Sunday, February 6, 6:00pm. A welcome email with full details, as well as zoom links for the challenge will be sent to you by Monday, February 7, 10:00am.
Restream link (available for 48h) will be sent to each participant after each live session. Carve out time for yourself with feel good livestream or restream session.
Datza’s livestream schedule: Monday – Wednesday @5:30pm, Thursday – Sat @10:00am.
Meditation for All w/ Richard every Monday @ 7:00pm, learn more:
Introduction to Goddess Circle (Feb 8, 14, 21)
The feminine force of creation, in Sanskrit, is referred to as Shakti. Pronounced: Shahk-tee.
This force is the energy that moves all creative powers as well as inspires Divine passion and growth within all of nature. It is the essence from which flowers themselves bloom. To get in touch with this, with your true and wild femine power, you must adhere to the flow of nature and seasons. In this 21 day challenge that is focused on upper body strength, we will also begin to dive deeper into what it takes to open your heart, activate your voice, and receive your eternal wisdom as the powerful Goddess that YOU are!
Week 1: Heart.
Sometimes we must break open to let the light in. Our powers of being able to give and receive in balance reside in this area. To live with an open heart is to live in peace.
If we are not living with an open heart we experience: Overly defensive, jealously, fear of intimacy, codependency by relying on others’ approval & attention. Trying to please at all costs. Excessive isolation, recluse, antisocial. Holding grudges, not forgiving, Bluffs, pretends, betrayed, better-than, paranoid. No
trust of self or others. Giving more than receiving leads to depletion, which leads to sickness. Always putting self in the role of savior or rescuer.
Week 2: Throat.
Do you know how to stand in your power and speak your truth? How to set strong yet loving boundaries? We express our creations via the throat chakra. The winds of wisdom want to flow through your voice!
A closed throat chakra= Gossiping non-stop, talking verbally aggressive or mean. The filter between mind/mouth not working. Lack of control of speech; inappropriate or too much. Cannot keep secrets or one’s own word. Lies. Excessive secretiveness. Doubt, negative thinking. Insecurity, timidity, introversion.
Cannot listen, fear of speaking. Small imperceptible voice. Excessive shyness. Lack of connection with vocation or purpose in life. Afraid of & preoccupied with issues of money, power, control, recognition. Self-sabotage, depression, rejection of one’s own healing, lack of will/peace. Communication difficulties. Resist change. Lost sight of higher purpose. Locked in the mind.
Week 3: 3rd Eye/Center of Intuition.
Are your decisions clear and easy to follow? The voice of the Ego FEELS and sounds much different than our intuition. When this area is open, we flow through our days with ease, joy, and a magical feeling.
When we are not tuned into this energy: Fantasies that appear more real than reality. Indulge in psychic fantasies & illusions. Creating judgments & criticism towards self & others. Addiction to change. Feeling stuck in daily grind without being able to look beyond problems & set a guiding vision for yourself.
Unable to establish a vision & realize it. Rejection of everything spiritual or beyond the “usual”. Not be able to see the greater picture. Lack of clarity. Fear of change.
What you will receive: tips, tools, processes journaling and practices for opening and aligning each of these centers in you. Every participant will be able to connect to their powerful femine force of creation, no matter what gender they do or do not identify with. This energy is within us all. Additionally, you will get a complimentary one on one session with Sara Wolf to receive unparalleled support in your personal process.
* About Sara Wolf aka Gypsy Wolf >>> Born in Casper, WY, Sara has lived in multiple states and countries, including CO, CA, AZ, Costa Rica, and Colombia. She now resides in Seattle, WA.
Sara discovered yoga in 2003 and has been Spiritually guiding others since 2012. The practices she uses today helped her to navigate the passing of her Mom due to Cancer, addiction, codependency, abuse, self-sabotage, childhood trauma, divorce, rejection, unworthiness,depression and fear.
In September of 2015, she sold everything to travel and continue learning and sharing her gifts as a healer and teacher. She holds certifications as an Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, and Integrative/Holistic Healer.
In addition, Sara was led through a very intense healing program, with the help of her first mentor. Her personal transformation through this program led her to become a Certified Healing/Spiritual Mentor so that she can share with others the gifts that have
been given to her. Always guided by her strong intuition, Sara knows that teaching and healing/mentoring work are her true passions and life’s calling.
The road she has traveled as well as her personal healing work, solidifies this calling. She exudes very strong, loving energy and has a deep connection with the spiritual world and nature. She loves to practice and teach all limbs/branches of yoga, especially meditation, as well as facilitate a variety of ceremonies and rituals in the High Priestess and Goddess lineages.

Moving from Riga, Latvia to Seattle wasn’t just a cultural change for Datza, it was the beginning of a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Coming from a background in both dance and fitness, Datza found herself immediately captivated by and drawn towards the practice of yoga. Making choices for one’s own body that came not from the head but from the heart was something she found to be deeply profound and intensely satisfying, and so fifteen years ago she began her journey as a yoga practitioner.