Developing a practice that works for your busy life. You’ve read how meditation and mindfulness are so good for you, right? So why can’t you enjoy it? Why is it so frustrating? Why do you end up feeling like you just can’t do it? This series of five one-hour classes seeks to challenge those perceptions, and is aimed at nurturing meditation techniques that celebrate the joys in your life, while supporting you through its challenges.
Each week we will discuss strategies for accessing a meditative state, followed by some gentle movement in preparation for a twenty minute meditation.
You can choose to take full course or drop in for a session or two.
I Introduction – BreathingLivestream 10/10, Restream 10/17
II The SensesLivestream 10/24, Restream 10/31
III Love & FuryLivestream 11/7,Restream 11/14
IV PowerLivestream 11/21, Restream 11/28
V Awe & WonderLivestream 12/5, Restream 12/12
New to the studio and interested to take all 5 lessons? Choose the Meditation package for $65 (includes livestream, restream & 3 complimentary passes to any virtual class).
If you do sign up for livestream class, you recieve Zoom link to live session 15 min before the class, as well as recorded version (restreat) after the class. Restream links will be available to view till December 31, 2020.4 in person spaces are available. Please email us directly datza@datzastudios at least 24h before the session for in person availability and pricing.

Richard has been teaching yoga as asana since 2016 and increasingly has found the movement of vinyasa to be a gateway to meditation. His meditation practice, meanwhile, has deepened through studying with the renowned teachers Dr. Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine, and he is advanced in their Radiance Sutras® Meditation Teacher Training. He looks forward to sharing this with you. We are pleased to let you know that Richard’s most recent article submission is now published on Elephant Journal!